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by Tilen Čufer



In silence, a sound is born 
like the lights are born in total darkness
as colors are born in desolated grayness
and sleepers awake from deepest of their dreams.


And just like a widely open eye looks at the image
and like a pure mind absorbs the words
just like the mouth speak once they are open,
time is new and a new battle is taking place aboard.


ČAS JE NOV / original version(slo)


V tišini se rojeva zvok,
kakor rodi se luč iz čiste teme,
kakor se rodijo barve v pusti sivini,
tudi speči iz trdnega se sna bude.

In kot oko, ki le odprto gleda sliko
ter neumazan um besede, ki vpija,
tako kot usta, ki le odprta spregovorijo
čas je nov, in v njem, nova bitka se odvija.

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